Thursday, March 10, 2011

Creative Manifesto

Inspired by Karim Rashid's Creative Manifesto, I came up with 10 points of my own:

1. Be versatile in your life. You draw from what you know, so the more you've experienced, the more you have to draw from.

2. Don't dismiss anyone. You can learn a lot from others, and if you're too pretentious to listen, you'll miss out.

3. Always be alert for inspiration and ideas around you.

4. Don't force creativity, chances are it won't really be creative if you do.

5. Different is good, but don't do things differently just for the sake of being different. That's almost as bad as conforming for conformity's sake.

6. Keep a record of any ideas you come up with. If you don't have the resources or time available to do it then, it'll be there for you when you do.

7. Also be versatile in the media you consume. If you regularly watch/listen to/read/play/view film, video games, novels, music, graphic novels, websites, artwork etc. you can draw from all of them to be more creative.

8. Pay attention to advice from people you admire.

9. Never be content. This will hurt your incentive to continue getting better.

10. Consider what it is about a particular film, game, song, etc. that makes you like it. This will help you know what works, and what doesn't (granted this is very much subject to opinion).

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